Cassidy Ott

Master of Fine Arts in Studio, Painting and Drawing

Cassidy Ott is an interdisciplinary painter and comic artist who explores the dynamic intersection of banality and viscerality. She uses painting and mixed media in order to find equal emotional weight in pop culture and biology. Consumerist imagery, graphic t-shirts to hello kitty plushies, function within the work to highlight how our consumption directly affects our identity. Ott’s work utilizes a spectrum of processes and aesthetics in order to convey the complex process of understanding oneself. Ott seeks to explore how we constantly construct and deconstruct our sense of self while investigating the absurdities involved with inhabiting a physical body. Juggling neuroscience, cartoons, and self portraiture, her work often examines the see-saw dichotomy of nature vs. nurture. Ranging from frenetic abstraction to devotional figuration, Ott employs a variety of painterly languages to communicate the necessity of fragmentation in order to communicate a holistic self.