Emily Miller
Emily Miller is currently pursuing her MFA as a George Moore scholar. Growing up on a sheep farm in rural Ireland, put environmentalism and material research at the focal
point of her practice. She’s worked worked with taxidermy, created botanical dyes, worked with driftwood and is currently creating a series of lrish landscape paintings on eggshell fragments. She strives to have a practice that is as environmental conscious as possible. With the view of painting as a microcosm of colonial hierarchies, she explores the intersection between colonial histories and the representation of natural imagery in art, in relation to what Evan Mwangi considers “postcolonial animal-consuming cultures”. In her first solo exhibition, “My eyes were formed there” at the Kevin Kavanagh Gallery in Dublin lreland, she explored the romantic ideas perpetuated by the tradition of lrish
landscape painting. More recently, she was awarded Laois County Council’s Digital Artist Residency, for which she researched, summarized and concisely presented the atrocities that occurred in the lrish midlands during Britain’s 750-year occupation of Ireland.