Stella Chen is a 3D CGI artist and filmmaker whose character-driven narratives examine identity as a site of perpetual negotiation. In Chen’s world, transgression remains as the constant of true personhood. Embracing the taboo is not rebellion, but the very language through which identity is formed.
Her films and digital works revel in contradiction, merging the sacred and the profane, the sincere and the artificial, high art and kitsch. Shame, desire, and self-destruction are recurring themes, often culminating in moments of cathartic collapse, or grotesque metamorphosis.
Eroticism is not just a spectacle but a site of revelation—an unfiltered expression of the self that exists beyond performance. Her characters do not simply transform. They yearn, they fracture, they distort– and in the end, reassemble themselves in ways both darkly comedic and unsettlingly sincere.