To learn more about Barbara DeGenevieve click on the titles to access each article:

Sex, Fear, and the NEA | FNews 1995

“An Interview with Barbara DeGenevieve”

Group Efforts: porno for tyros | Reader 2001

“Porn Shot, a group of 12 Art Institute students-turned-pornographers, is holding auditions for their debut project, which they hope will be a nationally distributed video featuring the best takes.”

Porn 101: Cancelled | FNews 2002

“Body Language” a course focused on sexuality in art known in SAIC Student lingo as the “Porn Class” was omitted from the 2002 course offerings and is making at least two students curious as to just why the course is no longer offered.”

The Electronic Walls Have Eyes | FNews 2011

Apple store photo project sparks uncomfortable discussion about “privacy”

Art Fag City at The L Magazine: An Orchard Street Summer | L Magazine 2011

“Orchard Street is offering two of the summer’s many artist-curated group shows on the Lower East Side. Rachel Uffner Gallery‘s Summer Whites is all white, and On Stellar Rays‘ Inti is a selection of politically and bodily-themed works curated by Clifford Owens.”

Controversy, Community and Curriculum at SAIC | FNews 2013

“A well-attended panel prompts questions of how students should approach making and discussing controversial work”

Remembering Barbara DeGenevieve | FNews 2014

“One student’s reflections on the artist, mentor, and leader in the SAIC community and beyond.”

Looking Inside ‘Medusa’s Cave’ | FNews 2015

“A Review of Barbara DeGenevieve’s Solo Show at Iceberg Projects”

A Year after her death, the controversial artist Barbara DeGenevieve gets her first solo exhibition | Reader 2015

“Medusa’s Cave” collects some of her fearless explorations of censorship, porn, and human sexuality.

Photographer Talia Chetrit featured in Wadsworth Atheneum’s MATRIX Series | The Wadsworth Museum of Art Press Release 2023

“DeGenevieve was influential to Chetrit who earned her BFA from the program in 2004”